A Year of Exploration


Do not try to force yourself into your life—adjust your life so your soul may thrive.

Have you ever had a moment where you just stop, look around and wonder if you're moving in the right direction?

After several years of pursuing a daily art practice, I realize I need to make room for more exploration in my studio. I want to let go of the expectations I've put on myself about what I'm “allowed” or “expected” to paint and just be brave and try new things. And so, that's what I'm going to do this year.

What is it? 

'm dedicating this next year to honoring exploration within my art practice. I will not create from a place of obligation, but from inspiration. You won't see many collections; I'll be focusing instead on following my instincts and sharing work as it happens. I can't wait to see what the year brings!

How Am I Doing it?

Each month I’ll follow my curiosity with my art, share that journey with you and hopefully have a painting to offer. Art is not an exact science and putting rules on myself kind of hinders the freedom that I’m craving, so I’m sure there may be some months where I have 3 new paintings and other months where I only have sketches, inspiration or studies to share.

Want to Join In?

Even if you aren't an artist, I know there are things you've always wanted to do - start a garden, learn to play the guitar, take a calligraphy class, go bungee jumping or just have a plain old adventure! Let's do it. I say it's time to see what happens when we throw fear out the window and start being brave with this one precious life.

If you are feeling so inclined, use the hashtag #yearofexploration2022 to share your adventures or simply follow along on my journey this year.


This One is a Little Different...


Flipping the Script on Failure