Behind the Scenes with my new Collection, "Her Flowers"

Friends, I hope this finds you well and feeling wonderful. 

I'm popping into your inbox to share a sneaky peek into the creation of my new series, "Her Flowers".  The magic that is unfolding right now on my canvas and in my life feels really exciting. 

As you know, my work is about conveying feeling, energy and emotion. And right now I’m feeling a lot of emotion around change + growth.

Lately,  I’ve been living with the dreaded "imposter syndrome".  You know that feeling - those moments of intense fear because you aren't sure if you are going in the right direction, making the right decisions, or if what you are doing is working.

It’s a familiar feeling for me.   I’ve been here before when I realized my career was no longer serving me. It look several years of indecision and uncomfortable soul searching before I finally quit my job and made the leap.   For the past year, I’ve been enjoyed an abundance of studio time, exploration, and quiet reflection.   I’m filled with gratitude over this gift of time to pause and reflect.

Yet, here I am at another crossroads. You see, I’ve been straddling two worlds. When I quit my corporate job, my goal was simply to create a life that allowed more time for creativity and art.  I ignored the little voice inside and I responsibly planned on supporting myself with freelance marketing projects, and just having a more flexible schedule where I could paint one or two days a week and create a presence online to show my work.

Welp, that has changed. I’m listening to the little voice inside of me despite my fears. I am diving completely into my art business and putting things into place that will help me create a sustainable art business. Things like getting more art licensing and wholesale deals, art events +exhibitions, partnering with brands, and creating MORE ART.

Like this collection, “Her Flowers”. I’ve had all of this swirling in my head and developing this collection has been emotional and exciting because - to me - it feels like a beginning.

I’m putting the finishing touches on the fourth painting of this series and I can’t wait to share it with you in March. I’ve thought long and hard about the name of this collection and how to capture these feelings. Inspiration struck after finding the Rupi Kaur poem below from her book, “The Sun and Her Flowers”, which I feel mirrors the journey that I’ve been on and that I know many of you have experienced as well.

The sun and her flowers quote.jpg

Flipping the Script on Failure


My Favorite Paintings from 2018